
Cimplicity Hmi Version 6.1 Version 7.0
Cimplicity Hmi Version 6.1 Version 7.0

Cimplicity Hmi Version 6.1 Version 7.0

By using iHistorian, users can collect, retain, and share production data with many client applications. That’s why we’ve designed Cimplicity HMI 6.1 to seamlessly share information with other applications, systems and services that require real-time production information to enhance the day-to-day operations of the plant.’Ĭimplicity HMI 6.1’s connectivity enhancements include its ability to share data with process execution products, such as Cimplicity Machine Edition, and with plant intelligence products, such as iHistorian, GE Fanuc’s plant-wide data historian. ‘Today, they’re the foundation of a company’s information infrastructure, collecting and distributing plant-floor information to a diverse array of plant intelligence and business-level systems. ‘The functionality of HMI/SCADA applications continues to evolve well beyond their original role of simple, process-based visualization and control,’ says Kevin Roach, GE Fanuc’s global solutions business VP. Featuring dynamic screen localization and connectivity enhancements to simplify exchange of data between plant floor and the enterprise, Cimplicity HMI 6.1 allows users worldwide to quickly and easily implement it, and unlock hidden ROI potential in manufacturing processes. This latest version is designed to extend the connectivity and localization capabilities of global manufacturers. introduced July 2 its Cimplicity HMI 6.1. Foxborough, MA- To help users streamline operations, extend manufacturing information infrastructures and improve ROI, GE Fanuc Automation Ameericas Inc.

Cimplicity Hmi Version 6.1 Version 7.0