rave? I'm not sure where all this light was coming from! Strangely our characters can't seem to see what's going on even with all of this illumination and they keep bumping into each other in the "dark." Maybe there were budget problems but that doesn't excuse the lousy script and characters. Apparently the cave dwellers like to place small lava lamps and glow sticks around their territory because they. This sequel constantly shows bright surroundings, with light coming from unseen sources-particularly overhead, making it feel as if these characters aren't inside a cave system in the first place. The original film also used light sparingly in an attempt to actually make the audience feel as if they were trapped in a cave with the cast of the film. Not even the revisited stomping grounds look the same. I swear this takes place in an entirely different cave system, despite the film claiming it's supposedly the same exact one. Where the first film was suspenseful and claustrophobic, this film displays constantly open cave dwellings and is repetitious to the point were no suspense can be truly built. What a horrible, horrible follow-up to one of the best horror experiences of the past decade.